ChiKids Guide to Transitioning Bottle/Breast to Cup/Straw with Ease
In this digital download, ChiKids will walk you through how to transition your baby from bottle and breast to cup and straw with ease. Inside this 19 page e-book, you’ll find a step-by-step plan, details on recommended volumes by age, sample daily schedules, methods for weaning, recommended products, and problem solving common challenges. If your baby is refusing, coughing, spitting, or having difficulty, you’ll get detailed advice here!
In this digital download, ChiKids will walk you through how to transition your baby from bottle and breast to cup and straw with ease. Inside this 19 page e-book, you’ll find a step-by-step plan, details on recommended volumes by age, sample daily schedules, methods for weaning, recommended products, and problem solving common challenges. If your baby is refusing, coughing, spitting, or having difficulty, you’ll get detailed advice here!
In this digital download, ChiKids will walk you through how to transition your baby from bottle and breast to cup and straw with ease. Inside this 19 page e-book, you’ll find a step-by-step plan, details on recommended volumes by age, sample daily schedules, methods for weaning, recommended products, and problem solving common challenges. If your baby is refusing, coughing, spitting, or having difficulty, you’ll get detailed advice here!