Spoons for Self-Feeding

Whatever the method you choose to feed your baby, whether it’s spoon feeding puree, baby led weaning, or a combination, there is one thing I strongly recommend: self-feeding.

I encourage you to allow your baby the opportunity to feed himself or herself. This can be done at the same time you are spoon feeding, or while he or she is eating soft solids. Self-feeding is important because it practices the hand-to-mouth skills that are needed throughout life, and it allows baby opportunity to learn hunger and fullness, and wants and needs, and provides control and choice from an early age. My goal is to help your child learn to play an active role in feeding from day one, and with self-feeding, you’ve done that.

When babies are self-feeding, the right utensil can make a big difference. It will give baby better control and comfort, and will make feeding more successful. Successful feeding is happy feeding.


  1. Ezpz Tiny Spoon. The thick handle is easy for baby to grasp as early as 6 months. The shallow spoon bowl allows for easy lip closure, and small bumps at the end of the bowl prevent baby from pushing it too far into their mouth. Colors are adorable, and silicone texture is durable, easy to clean, and safe for baby’s mouth. Use code “chikidsfeeding10” for 10% off the entire site.

  2. Sensominds Feeding Training Spoon. This soft silicone spoon allows for eating from both ends, a shallow bowl and a textured flat bowl. The size is easy for baby to hold, and texture and material is perfect for a little learning mouth. Use code “CHIKIDS25” for 25% off the entire site.

  3. Grabease Silicone Spoon. This spoon has a short, wide handle that is easy for little hands to hold and control. The colors are perfectly sweet and the soft silicone texture is perfect for a little mouth.

  4. Dr. Brown’s Silicone Starter Spoon. This adorable spoon works as both a teether and a self-feeding spoon. Start this one around 5 months without food for mouthing practice, then start dipping it in food around 6 months when purees are introduced. It’s soft, with textured arms and legs, and a smooth, shallow bowl for easy spoon feeding learning.

  5. Num Num Pre-Spoon Gootensils. This awesome spoons are made flat, one with holes and the other with indentations to grab the food. The flat shape makes it easy for baby to feed from both sides, and promotes good lip closure. I love these for a first spoon!

Happy Independent Eating!


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Tools for Mouthing